Psychologische Yogatherapie Psychology, Yoga & Spirit

Ätherische Öle – Hausapotheke & meine Favoriten

Schon seit vielen Jahren nutze ich ätherische Öle als pflanzliche Heilmittel. Wenn dir die Wichtigkeit des olfaktorischen Systems, also der Geruchssinn bewusst ist, gibt es an ätherischen Ölen wohl kaum ein Weg vorbei.

Ätherische Öle kannst du auf ganz unterschiedliche Weise verwenden und im Alltag integrieren. Sei es für eine akute Anwendung z.B. Kopfschmerzen, Hautunreinheiten, pur auf dem Körper oder für den allgemeinen Bedarf  gemischt mit einem beliebigen Grundöl wie z.B. Coconutoil, Arganöl, Sesamöl (ab einer Anwendung von mehr als zwei Tropfen ätherisches Öl). Es gibt wahrscheinlich unendlich viele Möglichkeiten mit ätherischen Ölen zu arbeiten: im Diffuser, für kosmetische Anwendungen, zum kochen & backen (z.B. Kuchen, Schokoladenpralinen – Empfehlung: Mint, Vanille, …) und vieles mehr. Zu all dem, findest du sicherlich einige Informationen auf anderen Seiten im Internet.


Ätherische Öle sind eine pflanzliche Medizin und beeinflussen unserer gesamtes System!


Insbesondere auf meinen bisherigen Reisen, Workshops und Fortbildungen habe ich immer mehr über ätherische Öle und deren Verwendung gelernt.

Hier möchte ich meine kleine “Basis-Hausapotheke“ mit dir teilen (die Zahl vor dem Name des Ätherischen Öls steht für das entsprechende Chakra, welches dieses hauptsächlich beeinflusst. Also z.B. 1. = Wurzelchakra. Falls dir das Chakrasystem nicht vertraut ist, gerne ignorieren.) PS: Für meine persönliche Anwendung nutze auch unheimlich gern Rosenöl (Frauen-Öl) & Kamillenöl (ganzheitlich zur Ruhe kommen & gut schlafen), welche in der Basis-Apotheke nicht aufgelistet sind. Da ich diese Grundlage als eine Möglichkeit der pflanzlichen Heilung so international wie möglich halten möchte, besteht folgene Auflistung in englischer Sprache. So if you don´t understand something use GOOGLE ÜBERSETZER 😉 -lets go:

1. Vetiver (Root Oil)

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:

-Connection with the earth and grounding

-Protection and feeling of security

-sedates and restores

– connection to yourself

Therapeutic properties:anti-inflammatory, antifungal, CNS sedative, cooling, Immunostimulant, skin care, immune support

Mental & holistic health:anti anxiety, depression, insomnia


2.Fennel (Seed Oil)

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:

-Helps with feeling stuck and withdrawn

-Reduces tension and inhibitions with communication

-Helps dissolve creative blocks

-Energetic protection

Therapeutic properties:anti-inflammatory, antifungal, carminative

Mental & holistic health:digestion, mental fatigue, menstrual pain, respiratory health, good skin


3. Cedarwood (Wood Oil)

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:

-Increases endurance during difficult times

-Supports confidence in challenging situations


Therapeutic properties:CNS sedative, anti-inflummatory, antibacterial, decongestant, wound healing

Mental & holistic health:anti stress, used as a respiratory aide, wound healing


4. Lavender (Flower Oil)

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:

-Calms, soothes, nurtures

-Encourages balance in all body systems

-Reduce anxiety and fear

-helps calm and control panic attacks

Therapeutic properties:analgesic, antiinflammatory, anti funcal, CNS sedative, skin healing, immunostimulent, immune support, skin care

Mental & holistic health:relieve menstral cramps, stress, anxiety, insomnia


5. Peppermint (Leaf Oil)

(-as a subcategory of mint, what you can use as well)

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:

-clears the mind and all energy

-uplifts the mind and reduce fatigue

-Awakens, refreshes

-Supports creativity

-Supports self confidence

Therapeutic properties:antifugal, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, Antioxidant, Circulatory stimulant, CNS stimulant and awakening, cooling, live support & protector

Mental & holistic health:digestive health, combat fatigue, respiratory, cravings


 6. Lemon (Fruit Oil)

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:

-Uplifting and cleansing

-Expands enery, promotes a sense of opening

-Reduces tension and depression

-Happiness, Joy

Therapeutic properties:analgesic, anti-inflammatory, an antidepressant, supporter/protector, immunostimulant, cooling, skin Care

Mental & holistic health:anti depression, getting motivated, overall well-being


7. Frankincense (Resin Oil)

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:

-Supports reflection and introspection

-Encourages emotional healing on all levels

-Quiets the mind

-Supports focused attention and tranquility

Therapeutic properties:analgesic, anti-inflammatory, skin nourishing and healing

Mental & holistic health:better meditation, cleansing mood, releasing old habits and negativity, craving, addictions & good for the hormone system (dont use during pregnancy)

 8. Vetiver (Root Oil)

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:

-Connection with the earth and grounding

-Protection and feeling of security

-sedates and restores

– connection to yourself

Therapeutic properties:anti-inflammatory, antifungal, CNS sedative, cooling, Immunostimulant, skin care, immune support

Mental & holistic health:anti anxiety, depression, insomnia


9. Fennel (Seed Oil)

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:

-Helps with feeling stuck and withdrawn

-Reduces tension and inhibitions with communication

-Helps dissolve creative blocks

-Energetic protection

Therapeutic properties:anti-inflammatory, antifungal, carminative

Mental & holistic health:digestion, mental fatigue, menstrual pain, respiratory health, good skin


10. Cedarwood (Wood Oil)

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:

-Increases endurance during difficult times

-Supports confidence in challenging situations


Therapeutic properties:CNS sedative, anti-inflummatory, antibacterial, decongestant, wound healing

Mental & holistic health:anti stress, used as a respiratory aide, wound healing


11. Lavender (Flower Oil)

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:

-Calms, soothes, nurtures

-Encourages balance in all body systems

-Reduce anxiety and fear

-helps calm and control panic attacks

Therapeutic properties:analgesic, antiinflammatory, anti funcal, CNS sedative, skin healing, immunostimulent, immune support, skin care

Mental & holistic health:relieve menstral cramps, stress, anxiety, insomnia


12. Peppermint (Leaf Oil)

(-as a subcategory of Mint, what you can use as well)

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:

-clears the mind and all energy

-uplifts the mind and reduce fatigue

-Awakens, refreshes

-Supports creativity

-Supports self confidence

Therapeutic properties:antifugal, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, Antioxidant, Circulatory stimulant, CNS stimulant and awakening, cooling, live support & protector

Mental & holistic health:digestive health, combat fatigue, respiratory, cravings


13. Lemon (Fruit Oil)

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:

-Uplifting and cleansing

-Expands enery, promotes a sense of opening

-Reduces tension and depression

-Happiness, Joy

Therapeutic properties:analgesic, anti-inflammatory, an antidepressant, supporter/protector, immunostimulant, cooling, skin Care

Mental & holistic health:anti depression, getting motivated, overall well-being


14. Frankincense (Resin Oil)

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:

-Supports reflection and introspection

-Encourages emotional healing on all levels

-Quiets the mind

-Supports focused attention and tranquility

Therapeutic properties:analgesic, anti-inflammatory, skin nourishing and healing

Mental & holistic health:better meditation, cleansing mood, releasing old habits and negativity, craving, addictions & good for the hormone system (dont use during pregnancy)

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